Lumina offers personal, professional and organizational development assessments.

Lumina Learning psychometric assessments are offered to individuals or teams and may be debriefed in person, over the phone or through a workshop setting.   As experienced Lumina Practitioners we have debriefed hundreds of Lumina portraits 1:1 and in workshop settings.

For a free sample of what Lumina Spark can do for you try the free app. 

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Lumina Spark is the latest innovation in professional development and assessment tools that breaks free from the world of dry, out-of-date psychometrics and stereotyping personality tests. Every other type of technology has advanced at a blinding rate, so it only makes sense that ‘People Technologies’ get a 21st century upgrade too especially as businesses today are so diverse and dynamic, any solutions must be equally as complex and robust. 
The Lumina Spark model is the result of years of research combining expert knowledge with human integrity, building on precisely what works and eliminating what doesn’t in psychometric assessment for businesses. The framework aids self-understanding and rapport-building in a way that is authentic and practical yet easily customizable to suit your needs and values.  Lumina demonstrates the value and strength of a diverse workforce and shows how you can embrace and use individual and team strengths to the fullest.
If you are... 
... looking for new and exciting ways to enhance the working relationships within your organization, 
… BUT sceptical of the benefits and ethics behind today’s assessment tools, 
Lumina Spark will give you, your business, and your people the solutions you are seeking. 

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Building on the self-awareness of Lumina Spark, Lumina Team offers insight into the strengths and dynamics at play in a team.

What are the benefits of Lumina Team?

  • Understand what kind of team you are part of
  • Learn how to communicate effectively within a team
  • Encourage team harmony and group development
  • What to do when a team is not performing
  • Learn how to positively influence a team



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Many  businesses  today  are  experts  in  management  and good at responding to the 24/7 stock-valuation culture.   What   if   the   management   of   a   team,  a  department  or  the  whole  organization  is masterfully executed but is lacking in leadership? The effects may be marginal for the short term but over time the consequences will be devastating. 

Lumina  Leader  equips  you  with  the  right  tools  by  accurately  understanding  both  your  own  leadership  style and the qualities of those you lead. Your unique style  is  your  special  strength  and  when  you  can  also  adapt it to suit every situation and every individual, you reach peak leadership performance.

What is Lumina Leader?

Lumina  Leader  is  an  assessment  tool  based  on  the  latest  business  theories.    It  is  designed  to  nurture  leadership to its highest level. In essence, it will offer insights   into   leading   others   by   understanding   an   individual’s  leadership  style  and  the  needs  of  those  they are leading.

Lumina  Leader  focuses  on  four  areas  of  leadership,  it  highlights  and  develops  your  strengths  in  these  domains:

  • Vision
  • Drive
  • Delivery
  • People

Each  individual  is  given  a  unique  and  personalized  portrait. There are two portraits available:

  • Lumina   Leader   affords  greater  self-awareness  as well  as  a  deeper  understanding  of  your  individual  leadership skills and qualities.
  • Lumina Leader 360 gives you an insight into your peers and team members’ perceptions of your leadership skills and qualities.


What does it do?

Lumina Leader provides pragmatic approaches to a range of leadership challenges including:

  • Coordinating others and entrusting them with appropriate responsibility
  • Dealing confidently with new and unfamiliar experiences
  • Leading through example
  • Maintaining the team’s focus
  • Motivating others towards a shared vision
  • Repairing communication breakdowns
  • Resolving conflict


How will it benefit me and my organization?

Lumina Leader provides opportunities to explore your ability to cope with situations you may have struggled with in the past.  It does this by:

  • Giving you the ability to adapt your leadership style to suit the situation
  • Setting goals for the future and raising your awareness of the areas that you may need to develop


What makes Lumina Leader different?

We personalize all of our products; you can tailor them to suit your needs.

  • We look at the impact of different personalities on professional competencies
  • We customize our leadership frameworks to our clients, making your product unique



Lumina Learning's approach to understanding cultural differences at an organizational level is based on years of practical research. It represents the latest academic thinking in this area. It applies the Lumina Culture colour lens and builds on four distinct cultures, assessed via eight underlying cultural aspects.

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Lumina Emotion focuses on our agility in understanding, adapting and managing our emotions day to day in order to guide effective thinking and meaningful behaviour. This means that we need to: 

Understand our emotions

  • notice our emotions
  • pay attention to our emotions

Adapt our behaviour

  • notice and pay attention to other people’s emotions
  • tune up and down our own behaviours to better connect with others    

Manage our emotions

  • process our emotions
  • flex our emotional response to suit the given context 

Take meaningful action

  • channel our behaviour towards our goals and values
  • continue to practice the 4 Agilities a new approach
“A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as  water  shapes  itself  to  the  vessel  that contains it - Confucius