It is Future Focus Friday here at Forward Focus Coaching. Nothing energizes us more than helping our friends realize and create their vision of where they want to be in the future. I call this my North Star.
What do you do to create your vision of your future? To me this is essential whenever I am setting New Year's goals. I need to align myself now with where I want to be in the future.
One trick I find helpful is imagining what your retirement party will look and feel like, or your 90th Birthday!
What will you be celebrating on these occassions?
What will you be most proud of? What do you want others to be saying about you? How did you make others feel?
What will your fondest memories have been? Will these memories be about what you accomplished at work or career-wise? Will these be financial successes? Will these be parenting successes? How do you want your children to remember their childhood? What will their lasting memories be?
By reflecting on what the future you wants to be proud of you are creating the template for today's goals. Each day between today and the future is a day to take small steps towards these goals.
I'd love to hear how you set your vision and determine your North Star - please share below.
Cheers to an amazing 2019.
Karen Ward is a Certified Executive Coach who specializes in working with invidividuals, teams and leaders to acheive their goals.#forwardfocuscoaching #futurefocusfriday#limitsbedamned #youvegotthis#newyearnewme #2019 #goals #vision#ivegotgoals #entrepreneur#entrepreneurlife #northstar#truenorth